Sunday, August 15, 2010

Epic Failure

So for the few of you who are actually following this - besides the 2 official followers (Hi by the way!) - you may have noticed that it's been about three weeks since I did my last post.  Those of you who know me, probably saw this coming.. but seriously heaps has happened since my last mind-blowing post and I will be updating soon!!

With this announcement comes the change of my byline from 'aiming for daily snaps a day' to 'aiming for weekly stories'.  Because that's really all I have at the end of a week - a bunch of random stories and happenings, but I do hope to be able to at least up date twice a week.  Also I'll be taking my day numbers off and just leaving the titles.

Okay off to have some Sunday brunch and then massive update when I get back!

PS: Okay now that I've had a look it's actually been a month.. eek!

1 comment:

  1. 4 little words you know you want to hear!





    :P xx
