Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Favourites: Anchorman

Now look, lets get one thing straight from the get-go:  I am not a drama/action/fantasy type of movie girl.  I like not having to think, I reserve that energy for other things and being entertained is my biggest concern when it comes to movies.  So I absolutely love movies with hilarious one-liners and that are frankly a little on the 'stupid' side.  And Anchorman is that movie.  I have seen this.. I.. I don't even know how many times and I still find myself dying while watching it.  

It's so full of win in my eyes - the lines are just completely memorable and the storyline is just so ridiculous that I can't help but love it.  I mean, the main character even plays jazz flute - WITH FLAME!

There's action.. there's even an epic fight scene.. here we have the weather man holding his weapon of choice:
"Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident." - Brick Tamland

There's even a bit of heavy drama scenes in the movie.. Here Ron Burgundy expresses feelings of grief and despair as his world falls apart:

"I'm in a glass case of emotion!" - Ron Burgundy

1 comment:

  1. 60% of the time, it works everytime. My second fave movie... next to Step Brothers for stupid yet golden comedy.

    I ate a big red candle.
