Today my lovely boyfriend decided we should have a picnic. So after my class at uni, I came home and Justin was making some little lunch rolls and I cooked up some eggs and we hopped in the car to find a nice spot at Mt. Cootha. We are very lucky to live just a short five minute drive from the gardens and we've discovered lots of nice quiet areas that tourists and day visitors often don't drive to. So we stopped at one site surrounded by trees and not a person in sight.As we were unwrapping our rolls I noticed a few magpies (no surprise) making their way over to a nearby tree to scope out the sucker-value of these picnickers no doubt. Then quite suddenly we found ourselves encircled by an entire family of magpies (mum, dad and three babies) all very keen to have a piece of our lunch.
I honestly have never seen magpies get so close, Justin of course fed them from afar at first. Then we started testing how close they would come until I literally had one a few inches from my lap sitting on my satchel bag. At this point Justin could hand-feed them, they were taking it reasonably well from his hands. But it was seriously freaking me out, I thought we were going to get rolled for our food by this pack of magpies!
After we ran out of food, they eventually flew back to their tree. And then we had the displeasure of meeting the most vicious bloody green ants. One bit me behind the ear (Man, the pain!) and another bit Justin in the back of the neck. After spending half an hour in peaceful nature, the picnic had turned into a warfare zone and we decided get the hell out of there! I think next time we'll have to scope out the ant situation before we set up our picnic ;)
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